Monday, February 11, 2008

Forest Creek

When we consider God's plan and purpose for our family, I often have to remind myself: Is this my wish list or is it God's?
If we are struggling to keep up with the name it ...anybody, we are struggling in vain.
As long as we are in this flesh, we keep having all these weaknesses. I almost feel like, I am in war with my flesh. It becomes a constant struggle between my spirit and my flesh... I am so thankful to Paul who wrote in Romans that we should walk in the spirit and not in the flesh. But how do we do it ? I am still learning . I am finding that through prayer without ceasing, devotions
and meditating in His word the Lord helps all of us to walk in the spirit. I guess it is a constant awareness that we are really spirits and these bodies are just a mere evidence of ourselves on this earth. And thereby letting our spirit win this war, is really the victory and, its O.K if our flesh looses eventhough it does not feel very good , because its just a temporary feeling..
Speak, Lord I am your servant
and I am listening .
1 samuel 3 :10


Sharon said...

This is something that I've realized too. It's a war we'll have until that beautiful day when we are changed in a twinkling of an eye. :) I'm looking forward to it!

Annie said...

Me too Sharon!! what a great reunion that will be..and if I don't get to see you on this earth, I will see you in mid-air!!

I've always had a desire to fly like a bird and can't wait....Come soon Lord Jesus.

Sharon said...

I hope everything is going well for you!

Annie said...

Thankyou Sharon! I've just been very busy in the business of taking care of my Hubby, Children and our pets...and lately have also started working on oil painting..I do have a lot to blog and hope to get back soon..
God Bless You!!

Sharon said...

Oh! I'd love to see a picture of your oil painting!!!

Annie said...

Sure Sharon, I am hoping to take a few pictures tonight, allthough they are still not dry and will try to put it up.