Monday, May 21, 2007

Vegetable Garden

Rabbit's Vegetable Garden by Walt Disney

"To everything there is a season,
and a time to every purpose
under the heaven."
Ecclesiastes 3:1
We enjoy the truth of this verse all evident in nature around us. We have a small vegetable garden where we grow several vegetables like tomatoes, okras,peppers, beets, bitter gourd. Our family enjoys the process it takes to garden vegetables.
Every year we take the seeds of the vegetables and store them after they are washed and dried, they are placed in freezer bags and frozen. Here they stay all nice and safe until it's time to be sowed.
Last February, we sowed the tomato and okra seeds in little containers with peat moss. Water them and keep them covered away from direct light. Send a prayer to the Almighty that He may give life to those tiny seeds.
Within a week, lo ! and behold tiny seedlings started sprouting. Now, take the cover off and bring it under a plant light. Water them as necessary to keep the soil moist.
By the time spring is here and the frost chances are almost eliminated, plan on planting them outside. However, before transplanting, take the plants outdoors during the day in the shade, bringing them back indoors during the night and get them acclamatized for almost a week . After this the plants can be transplanted in the ground.The pepper seeds, and beets and bitter gourd were directly sown into the ground .
Today, we picked our bush beans, and tomatoes. It's amazing to see this practical lesson of a season for everything in our vegetable garden. God is so awesome. He amazes us all the time, showing us His presence in nature. If only man could see!!!

Friday, May 11, 2007


Mother Polar Bear Coaxes Her Cub up a Snow Bank by Norbert Rosing

"Train a child in the way

he should go ,

and when he is old

he will not turn from it."

Proverbs 22 : 6

As a mother I find myself eager to please the Lord in all I do. Oh it's such a privelege and joy to have been blessed as a mother. The ability to make a difference in the life of the children God has given. I don't need to go out looking for places to do the Lord's work. It's right here in my house to create experiences and make memories with my own children. Wow! when I think of its depth I am filled with awe that the Creator has given us the gift to mold, direct humanity.
In raising our children I find myself having a tendency to get frustrated during the training process. We are all human and that's the reason why we have those weaknesses. That's when I have to remind myself -

Be patient with my children

Ask the Lord to help me see them as He sees them curious, beautiful, creative, strong.....

Thank the Lord for all the opportunities which come over and over again which is part of the
process of their growth mentally, spiritually and not to choose to get frustrated.

Thank the Lord for each one of them so unique, their Creator has entrusted me with their life.

When I look to Him for my direction, He gives me a new perspective, the frustration just disappears immediately. It's amazing what a freedom we experience when we choose to pray instead of choosing words of frustration.

Once again it's a matter of choice, how do we respond to today's portion of challenges?

With the Lord by our side and our choice to do His will = Great things happen.

Friday, May 4, 2007


One thing I have desired of the Lord,

That I will seek;

That I may dwell in the house of the Lord

All the days of my life,

To behold the beauty of the Lord.

Psalm 27:4

GOD, when I think of Him, I am filled with awe. What a great intelligence behind this creation of this beautiful universe. At night, the skies amaze me. Each of those stars stare down at us. How strategically they are placed. The brightness of their appearance, surely a clear contrast to the dark blue sky. Every night a praise rises from the very inside of my heart. It's inaudible, an awesome fullness within that I myself can't express with words.

The morning sun rises to give light to all. To the rich and the poor, to the good and the evil. The rain waters the earth for all. How generous is this creator. Truly supernatural, cause man by nature would choose to be biased one way or the other.

The trees look upward, who are they looking at? Rightly the One who gives them rain and sunlight. The birds sing sweetly early morning, who are they singing to? The One who knows each one of them.

Look at the ants, see the order in which they go about their life, who taught them? Truly the one who sets everything in order. Look at the tiniest creature to the largest creature, ask if you may, why they are the way they are?

You will get the answer back, It is He, the ancient of days, the Creator of them all. He set everything in order.

When I see all this, I ask, why oh mankind? to whom was given the right to choose, have you chosen to cause chaos?

As I feel downhearted, my heart comforts me, that's why Jesus came , to set everything back in order. I am so glad He came for me and all of mankind. I pray that eyes will be opened and will see the invisible Hand of Him who is in control of all.

Would you please share, how you see GOD in your daily life.