Friday, May 11, 2007


Mother Polar Bear Coaxes Her Cub up a Snow Bank by Norbert Rosing

"Train a child in the way

he should go ,

and when he is old

he will not turn from it."

Proverbs 22 : 6

As a mother I find myself eager to please the Lord in all I do. Oh it's such a privelege and joy to have been blessed as a mother. The ability to make a difference in the life of the children God has given. I don't need to go out looking for places to do the Lord's work. It's right here in my house to create experiences and make memories with my own children. Wow! when I think of its depth I am filled with awe that the Creator has given us the gift to mold, direct humanity.
In raising our children I find myself having a tendency to get frustrated during the training process. We are all human and that's the reason why we have those weaknesses. That's when I have to remind myself -

Be patient with my children

Ask the Lord to help me see them as He sees them curious, beautiful, creative, strong.....

Thank the Lord for all the opportunities which come over and over again which is part of the
process of their growth mentally, spiritually and not to choose to get frustrated.

Thank the Lord for each one of them so unique, their Creator has entrusted me with their life.

When I look to Him for my direction, He gives me a new perspective, the frustration just disappears immediately. It's amazing what a freedom we experience when we choose to pray instead of choosing words of frustration.

Once again it's a matter of choice, how do we respond to today's portion of challenges?

With the Lord by our side and our choice to do His will = Great things happen.


Oldqueen44 said...

So true...Many get caught up in the activity outside the home and forget there ae opportunities abounding to be in God's service with our own families.
I read your profile... Did you read the book Created To Be His Helpmeet by Debi Pearl?

Annie said...

I did visit your blog at "A quiver full". Max,Dinah and Charlie are so sweet. When I tried to leave a comment it did'nt allow me. I am not sure what I might not have done right.
As for the book "Created to be his helpmeet" I have'nt read yet. But I will get to it one of these days. It is on my reading list. Wish you a happy mother's day.
Thankyou for coming by.